Issue #5

January 2002

Commentary The next issue of New York Stringer will mark our six-month anniversary. Subject to startling things happening in the world that require comment, or a spate of unexpected articles by new contributors (part of our nightly prayer), the February Stringer will focus on the world of financial markets. Some of the articles we are planning include a primer on alternative markets (commodities, currencies, derivatives of various kinds, etc.) that are normally not understood by the casual investor with a few stocks and mutual funds, a piece on the impact of technology on financial markets vis a vis the man in the street, and some words on how Enron fits into all of this. In addition to the theme material, of course, we hope to have a few reviews and opinion pieces. Other theme issues are also in planning, assuming we like the results of this first one.

We are also starting something else in the February issue: a links page. This will consist of a short descriptive paragraph and link to a website, for anyone that cares to submit one. For the time being, this link will be free, and need not be connected to anything going on in New York Stringer, although Stringer columnists will automatically get an entry on the links page if they want it. The only qualification for non-columnists is that the URL (web address) pointed to be owned by the person asking for the link. Send an email with descriptive paragraph and URL to

Meanwhile, we are enjoying a balmy New York winter: temperatures in the 40s, 50s and 60s, a proper January thaw to follow the one day of winter when it almost hit freezing. Our new mayor continues to rebuild the bridges that Giulliani destroyed, and hasn't done anything really dumb yet. Hope continues.

This may be the first Stringer edition where we haven't been viewing with alarm or warning of incipient something-or-other; maybe the world has grown calmer, or maybe we are just getting tired of the ongoing idiocy that is the general condition of humankind and have decided not to comment. Not commenting, however, is a short-lived, unnatural condition with us. We'll be back next month as alarmed and grumpy as ever.

We have an actual letter to the editor in this issue. Check it out.

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New York Stringer is published by For all communications, contact David Katz, Editor and Publisher, at david@nystringer.c om

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